Occupational therapy in mental health a vision for participation 2nd edition

Deborah C. Escalante


A Vision for Participation

Front Cover

Catana Brown


Virginia C. Stoffel

F.A. Davis Company

, 2019 –

1040 pages

, 2019 –




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    Uses the Person-Environment-Occupation (PEO) model as a framework to promote the full participation in the lives of individuals with mental illness and those struggling with psychosocial issues related to their disabilities. Features first-person “The Lived Experience,” narratives that give voice to the experience of living with a mental illness Incorporates “Photo Voice” features, a blend of photography and personal stories that enable individuals to record their visions and experiences to promote dialogue about important issues. Addresses co-occurring conditions such as depression, stroke, substance abuse and spinal cord injury, and attention deficit disorder and learning disabilities. Promotes best practices with “Evidence-Based Practice “boxes that synthesize significant research and implications for practice. Offers extensive information on theory and evidence-based interventions Employs active learning strategies to facilitate the application of knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential for mental health and psychosocial interventions. Addresses occupational therapy in a variety of practice settings for individuals from all cultures across the life span. Discusses non-diagnosis-based populations, such as the homeless, as well as the continuum of care from institution or hospital to the community.


A Vision for Participation

Front Cover

Catana Brown


Virginia C Stoffel


Jaime Munoz

F.A. Davis


5 Feb 2019


1040 pages



Reviews aren’t verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it’s identified

This revision of a well-loved text continues to embrace the confluence of person, environment, and occupation in mental health as its organizing theoretical model, emphasizing the lived experience of mental illness and recovery. Rely on this groundbreaking text to guide you through an evidence-based approach to helping clients with mental health disorders on their recovery journey by participating in meaningful occupations. Understand the recovery process for all areas of their lives—physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental—and know how to manage co-occurring conditions.

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